Sunday, May 4, 2008

Finally Asher's Youtube Collection!

Sorry this took so long for me to post...

I chose to explore representations of the south on Youtube. Often times the South is "othered" by non-Southerns as a space of racism, ignorance and poverty. I wanted to explore this by examining popular youtube clips involving southerns and the south. Even though the curated clips are amusing, challenge how you conceive of the south. I think we attribute these characteristics to the south as a way of avoiding confronting them in our own lives. While watching the videos: laugh, cry but also think about how you interact with the images and why these images have become popular.


1 comment:

the COOL class said...

I would have liked a movie in this set that represented the lives of regular southerners. I did appreciate the commercials though. It's interesting to note how the format of commercials changes depending on what audience the seller is trying to reach. Therefore, the commercials at least tell us a little bit about what the sellers THINK that their audience will like, which tells us a little bit about the personality of the audience in a convoluted way.