Friday, January 25, 2008


So i just started a new internship this week... in fact I'm there right now. Anyways, it's with Firebrand, a company that compiles funny, creative, etc. commercials and shows them on TV and internet as entertainment. Check it out at The whole concept of commercials as entertainment content got me thinking about alternative media, and exactly how you would define it. Is taking commercials and re-appropriating them as pure entertainment a form of alternative media? It's still mass commercial media, but put in a different context. I'm still undecided on whether Firebrand can be considered alternative media or not. Going to a site or turning on the television just to watch commercials is definitely different, but isn't necessarily alternative. Maybe after working here for more than 2 days I'll have a more decisive view on it. check out their website, I'd like to hear what my fellow media-inclined peers think about it, especially you media studies majors!

-Lindsay Kozlowski

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