Wednesday, January 30, 2008


 I'm not sure if this qualifies as "alternative media" but...
Liz, a close family friend is in the middle of her battle with cancer. Her daughter, Monica is a nurse and has been staying with her and helping her out. Liz has 12 brothers and sisters and endless numbers of friends. So, Monica was spending hours every day responding to calls about how her mom was doing. She finally decided to set up this blog. Every day she writes about the family, what they've been up to, and how her mom is doing. Then family and friends make posts of encouragement. This blog has been a wonderful way of helping of people keep in touch  without overwhelming the family. It has also helped Monica by giving her a place to write everything that's happening down.

1 comment:

DeeDee Halleck said...

This is an interesting example. Over the weekend I visited a friend who is just starting chemo. I sent her
the link, as I think it will be a useful site for her to check out. Thanks Marisa!