Tuesday, January 29, 2008

vassar island

24hr live feeds of the library lawn/rocky hall

this may come as no surprise to many of you, but there's a little video spy hanging out somewhere on the libs. that one dude (ken bolton) from the media cloisters has some choice words to share about the matter. you can check it out at his blog, bscientific.

soooooo, i'm curious -- how many of you already knew about this surveillance? if so, how did you hear about it? or even if it's your first time, how does it make you feel?

- anh


the COOL class said...

yeah...that is pretty strange. I would just like to know why he is doing it. Is it for some sort of study? Does it have any entertainment value? Confusing.

the COOL class said...

It's also weird because you can't actually see anything happening. It's just like little dots walking around. If I were really paranoid, I might think that somebody was planning a terrible attack. But, really, I just don't understand why someone would take time to do that.
-Jason, again

DeeDee Halleck said...

I love the drawings of feelings. Thanks, Anh!

I assume the Vassar camera serves the same purposed any surveillance does. (a la /Foucault)

There is a great group in London called Mongrel that does street actions for surveillance cameras:

the treshirecat said...

I think it's pretty cool, and not at all as unsettling as I thought it would be. What bothers me is that I didn't know about it.

Actually, it is a little creepy the more I think about it.
