Some blog surfing led me to this website. The site is intended to be an outlet and outreach for women and LGBTQ individuals who are targets of sexual harassment in public places. The site encourages people to empower themselves and others in response to these encounters by posting photographs of their harassers or accounts of their experiences, calling out harassers and compiling a years-long archive of unwelcome approaches.
Acknowledging that confronting harassers straight on can be dangerous, this site allows for some measure of holding harassers accountable. And this is not eye-for-an-eye retribution. It is making visible a hidden, abusive power dynamic by ensuring that those who use this power cannot hide behind their assumed entitlement to other people’s bodies. Cell phones at the ready!
1 comment:
pretty brave. Is there a virtual analogy? If someone sends a sexual come on to your email, is it more powerful to ignore it or respond?
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