Tuesday, April 22, 2008

informative blogging

I'm not a huge blogger, nor do I always read tons of blogs. However, I'm convinced that blogs are becoming a major source of information and direction. Recently I've been trying to research the neighborhood I'm moving to after I graduate and blogs have been the most comprehensive and definitive source of information I've found. Ok, maybe there's just lots of people who want to go to bars and restaurants and write about it, but there's also a lot of people like me who want to read about it. So if somebody who reads as few blogs as I do is turning to them for info and resources, I'm guessing this is a big trend. I guess Wikipedia is almost like one giant blog, so why shouldn't individual blogs serve the same purpose. Like this blog. I bet there's somebody out there that finds this an incredible source of information and thought about media. You never know...


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