Monday, April 28, 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion

So as one of my last posts on this blog, I'm doing a shameless plug for my thesis. It's about visual identity and how we use our bodies as social media. I took photographs of myself in different clothing, with different hair, posturing, and facial expressions. I then sent these pictures out in a survey and had people write me a narrative about each photo. What did they think they knew about this person based on their appearance? What was their identity? What did the external communicate about the internal? After getting the responses I wrote about my findings, specifically engaging how much we rely on media and pre-ordained visual cues to form and perform our sense of self. Anyways, I created a website to display the finished product, which I guess is a form of alternative media. It won't be officially finished until next Tuesday, but the major stuff is all there. Take a look if you like:


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