Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Adapting to New Technology/New Technology Adapting to Us

I know that we have discussed the affects of the internet and new media on our society, but I have been thinking a lot lately about how we are adapting our habits and needs to new technology and how new technology is adapting itself to our needs and habits. A friend of mine from high school just recently had a baby and throughout the experience she was constantly updating her facebook profile and myspace page with very private information. A few days before she delivered her status on facebook was how dilated she was and the very next day after she had delivered she posted a photo album online. Among other things, some of the pictures included my friend in labor and the baby before it was cleaned off. I understand that with the ease and speed of the internet posting a photo album online is a much more efficient way to share the news and photos of the baby but I was still a little taken aback at how this very private and personal experience was being presented in such a public manner. Those are the types of pictures and the sort of information shared with close friends and relatives. Even with having a private profile on any of these sites there are always more people than intended who are able to access this private information. I found it very interesting how such an exciting but very intimate and private moment in a persons life was able to take on such a mediated and public feeling. This brought up some questions for me such as can the internet truly take the place of such an experience as sharing pictures with loved ones in person? Is the internet an aspect of new technology adapting to our ways? Or are we changing our habits and ways to adapt to new technology?


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