Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sucre en Comunidad

A friend of mine went to Venezuela this winter break to do research for his thesis. He came back with a couple of magazines from the “Prensa Alternativa para la Parroquia 23 de Enero” (Alternative Press for the Town of January 23rd) called “Sucre en Comunidad”. These publications are really great. People from the community can all publish in it and they cover a different topic on every publication. One of the publications he brought back talks about “going to the streets”. In it, there are articles on the importance of not throwing garbage on the streets and information on new internet centers open to the public. I thought this was such a great way of engaging a local community in order to talk about issues that are pertinent to the population of 23 de Enero. If you are interested (and can read Spanish), Sucre en Comunidad has a site (http://www.el23.net/principal.htm) and a blog (http://sucreencomunidad.blogspot.com/).


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