Wednesday, March 5, 2008

DeeDee's Right: See Be Kind Rewind

This is less of an informative post and more of a reactionary one, because I saw "Be Kind Rewind" yesterday. I would have loved the movie whether I was in Alternative Media or not, but in the context of this class it was even better. I felt like I was watching DeeDee's utopian vision for community media manifest, if Jack Black, Mos Def, Mia Farrow, and Danny Glover all lived in a small community together. I found it really surprising, but refreshing, to see a big-name film portraying a community having both more fun making their own versions of movies and finding a power and strength in that. I'm interested to see if this film produces a much more participatory and creative fan appreciation. So far I don't see a lot of people "sweding" movies themselves, but there is a "How to Swede" video on youtube done by Jack Black and Michel Gondry:


1 comment:

the COOL class said...

actually michel gondry has an exhibit in Soho right now which consists of having people who walk in just make their own film.
"For the exhibition, Michel Gondry will be recreating the video store in the gallery, complete with a back lot containing a variety of movie sets where visitors can make their own renditions of films. All videos created in the gallery can be viewed and rented in the store. About the project, Gondry states, “I don’t intend nor have the pretension to teach how to make films. Quite the contrary. I intend to prove that people can enjoy their time without being part of the commercial system and serving it. Ultimately, I am hoping to create a network of creativity and communication that is guaranteed to be free and independent from any commercial institution.”

It's at Deitch Projects February 16 — March 22, 2008 18 Wooster Street, New York
