Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Democracy Now

So this is sort of silly, but I think it's a worthwhile point. It's amazing to me that- one the one hand, at Vassar only one of the four classes is able to order cable television service, and network TV is pretty shitty here anyway. And yet on the other hand, we dont see a lot of people here getting their news from alternative news sources. A few months ago I reread one of Amy Goodman's books, and decided to try to watch Democracy Now as much as I can. At this point, it's a daily ritual. If I wake up early, I watch yesterday's, and if I get up late I watch today's.

I know a lot of Vassar students read the Times - that seems to be the prominent news source discussed in my classes, but I wonder why given the ease you can access alternative news sources online. If your primary medium for news is the internet, why not read something independent? Even "easier" - by 9am every day there is a streaming real player file that is of remarkable quality that loads the entire hour immediately.

I'm curious about what it means that I wake up to Amy in the morning instead of - Matt Lauer or Diane Soyuer. I wonder if I'm out of the loop in that I don't read the Times so comprehensively, or if I have simply a different take on the world's events. Might be an interesting sidebyside project.... them vs. NBC or something.

For today's broadcast, click here.


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