Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Run-of-the-Mill Poughkeepsie vs. Poughkeepsie Portrayed by the Media

This is a mash-up of youtube clips about Poughkeepsie that I made. Question to you: Why would the media discuss Poughkeepsie in such a violent way? I have a feeling that it has something to do with the city having such a peculiar name.
What do you think about Poughkeepsie? Do you believe the media's portrayal of Poughkeepsie is accurate? Or did you have the impression that Poughkeepsie was a pretty normal place with shopping malls and football teams?



the COOL class said...

Wow. I found that to be a really disturbing video for a number of reasons. I don't know why the media continually focuses on portraying Poughkeepsie in such a poor light, but I think this video is very relevant to some of the issues that we were thinking of dealing with for our final class project. It would have been nice to do something, even something very little, to try to erase, or at least counter, some of the harsh and critical portrayals of the city. However, because it is such an appropriate and sensitive subject, I think that much more discussion would be necessary before following through on something radical or dramatic.


the COOL class said...

Thanks for you comment. What do you mean by "try to erase" critical portrayals of the city. How would you suggest to do this?