Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I wanted to post some information on the performance artist I mentioned in class last week.

Julia Ahumada Grob is coming to campus this Friday to perform her piece He(R)evolution and to do a workshop.

The performance is "a one woman biographical show that examines the struggles of a young woman as she works to understand her identity, both personal and political." It's at 8pm in the Shiva. The show is sponsored by Unbound, Philaletheis, Fem Alliance, MEChA, and the Class Issues Alliance.

The workshop is titled "Performing Arts as a Tool for Social Change." It's open to anyone, not just actors or other theatrical types. "Students will use the skills of persuasion, propaganda, character development, and storytelling to use performance as a tool for social change in fun and exciting ways." It's at 4:30pm in the Faculty Parlor.

Check out a clip from the show:


1 comment:

the COOL class said...

What does that mean...He(R)evolution? I mean, Why is it like that. Why is the R so pronounced? Do you know?

And, I liked the video...I like that some of it's in Spanish...I just wish I knew Spanish better so that I could understand them.
