Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Barack Obama came to see your play and HIllary Clinton drank from your glass

These are hilarious pro-Obama and anti-Clinton links. What's really interesting about them is that there is no way to see who created the links or where they're from or any other information about them. They are just floating around out there on the web. 
These are just some of the Obama/Clinton alternative media I've been sent that is clearly made by and/or for college-aged kids. 

Here's another pretty great one:
"I got a crush...on Obama" by Obama Girl

This is the "original" Obama Girl song. The first time I watched it, I couldn't help wondering what exactly Obama Girl could have been thinking. But! Almost 6.5 MILLION views already! Young people are taking campaign advertising into their own hands. Finally, young people have the space and resources to have a voice in the election- although what we are doing with this space is an interesting take on politics....

Here are the Obama Girl "rebuttals:"
"I've Got a Crush on Hillary (take that Obama Girl!)

"I've got a crush on Ron Paul:"



the COOL class said...

Wow, I'm not sure what to make of these videos. I think it's great that people care enough to even create videos for their support... but the sexual aspect of it I find creepy and misplaced. These videos are funny, but have nothing to do with real issues. They're about finding the candidates sexually desirable, which is the last hing that should be factoring into your reason's for supporting them. I guess they just can't be taken seriously, but I think video as a medium could be put to better use for campaigning and showing support.


the COOL class said...

I remember seeing the Obama girl video a while back. Like Lindsay said, even though we can't take videos like these seriously, there are better ways to use the medium to show support.

It's also interesting to read some of the articles that came out about the video:
