Friday, February 29, 2008

Net Neutrality

Interesting article from Newsweek about an FCC hearing and Net Neutrality:


1 comment:

DeeDee Halleck said...

Thanks, Julia. The article is a good summary of the whole net neutrality issue. My favorite part is when they call it an "analog denial of service" and a quote from Lessig:
.....the company admitted to paying people to fill spectator seats, effectively blocking access to folks who genuinely wanted to be there. A geeky wag might call it an analog denial of service attack. "What the Comcast behavior really demonstrates is that there's really little reason to trust this organization," says Stanford's Lessig. "They can throw out technical reasons for why they're [slowing BitTorrent uploads]. But packing the auditorium at an FCC hearing? Why would you trust the future of the Internet to this sort of entity?"