Saturday, February 2, 2008

Where do you get your news from?

I was looking at the above Big Fat Whale webcomic, and it made me think of how in elections, and in other situations for that matter, there are always several different versions of a story being presented by the media. Sometimes it's pretty obvious when something has been misconstrued, but a lot of the time it's more difficult. Mostly in regards to news about the coming presidential election, I was wondering where you guys get your news from. Which papers/radio shows/television stations/etc. do you turn to for information? And what influences your decisions to utilize a particular source?



the COOL class said...

I like listening to NPR in the car.
Also, lately, I've been watching the presidential debates on youtube because I always miss them while they're on. We also get the New York Times delivered to our house, even though I usually just read it online. My favorite is NPR though. Especially, All Things Considered.

Do you have any suggestions for places to get alternative news on the web? I know some, but I haven't been satisfied with any yet.

the COOL class said...

oh, so that was my post.

the COOL class said...

I'm not very familiar with any alternative news sites on the web. I've been using and Google to see what I come across, but so far I haven't found any sites that I'd want to continue visiting regularly.