Monday, February 25, 2008

"I approve of messages," or "Barack Obama cancelled 'My So-Called Life'"

A new Hillary Clinton ad on YouTube.

- freddy


Brittany said...
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the COOL class said...

I always wonder about the impact of videos such as these. Like, the people who made the video may not even be voting age, yet they still feel as though they can have an effect on politics, which they never would have been able to as easily before YouTube. But will silly videos such as these, with no real political insight, change the way anyone thinks of the politicians? Who is watching?

freddy said...

i think the impact politically is probably negligible, given that clinton staff people, among others, have recently tried to overemphasize obama's drug use -- that to me seems like the crux of the parody. its not all silly. but if that issue was going to convince someone who to vote for, he or she would have already read about various politicos worrying about obama's "drug habits" etc. in the news and probably already have made up their minds as to how much all that mattered in how they vote.

more, the people who made the video are probably over 18, and somehow i bet they are voting for obama. so perhaps they have more persuasion power than, say, i did as a second grader making posters of 'bill clinton for president.' then again it's US politics so who knows what will convince people -- see yesterday's circulated photo of obama in somali garb.

either way, it is funny, no?