Monday, February 11, 2008

Second Life PC only?

I was trying to go to posts from a conference on DIY video which was held last weekend at USC. The panels were supposed to be streamed on Second Life. They gave the url and when I tried to go there I got this message:

Safari can’t open the specified address.
Safari can’t open “secondlife://IML/60/128/52” because Mac OS X doesn’t recognize Internet addresses starting with “secondlife:”.

If you have a PC, I guess you can get there! The conference post itself (which I CAN go to) is
The Second Life link is IML Island.

I hope someone can go there and give a report in class.


the COOL class said...

I use a PC but I couldn't get to the url either. I got a message similar to yours: "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address because the protocol (secondlife) isn't associated with any program."


the COOL class said...

I'm pretty sure this is because Second Life is an entirely separate program - it an avatar-based virtual world in which thousands of islands exist individually (including one for Vassar), and in order to visit such things, you've got to be in the Second Life program. It's free - published and maintained by Linden Labs, you can download it at and then use the search function to locate that address.
Trying to open a SecondLife address in Safari is like trying to open a letter with a meat tenderizer - wrong tool :)


nugz said...

hahahha, thank you SO MUCH for posting this photo of the (weird) classroom. do you have one of the sloths?